Well, I answered that I'm complete in on both counts, but that's not entirely true. No-one close to me knows - the only people I trust with the secret are people who don't matter so much to me. That probably says something horribly deep and psychological about me, but, hey, you all know I'm a sad hurt/comfort freak already, so what do I care? <g>

None of my close friends and family use the internet socially, so they just don't understand what it's all about. They'd cart me off to the looney bin if I told them I write fanfic. Actually, come to think of it, people do know that I have friends I made through the internet, and what the common link is, but I certainly don't admit to coming on line and drooling over Clark Kent most nights <g>. By the way, in case they ever asks you, we talk about films, TV, politics and the weather, OK? Never, ever, Superman. Got that?

Sometimes, I regret not being able to tell people I write. Now and then something almost slips out in conversation - the topic might be related to writing technique, say, or how writers work - but I have to bite my tongue and keep quiet.
