I am popping out all over.

First, and closest to me, my husband has always known. He writes adventures for role-playing games (also non-profit), so he understands that I just enjoy writing for no reason whatsoever. Sometimes, I'll bounce story ideas off him, or try to get him to beta-read for me. Unfortunately, if he's not in the mood to read, it's like pulling teeth. And the more I nag the deeper he digs his heels in. Anyway, when he finally does read something I've just finished, he says something noncommital like, "Yeah, it was good." I feel like shaking him (IF he wasn't 7 inches taller and 60 pounds heavier than me) and screaming, "What!?!? What was good?! Give me specifics!!!" Quite a few times, we'll be watching tv and the plot will be really obvious...and we'll predict what's going to happen next...then it turns out we were right..and one of us will look at the other and say, "We could write this stuff..."

Craig also puts up with my Dean obsession. Lately, I've been collecting his movies and watching them when I'm bored. Craig'll come into the room, see what I'm watching and say, "Oh, look. It's Dean!"

Since Craig has dark hair, broad shoulders and glasses, I like to tease him and call him "my Clark." He'll usually step back and strike a typical Supermanish pose.

Next, there's my mom. She watched the show when it was on. Then we'd call each other and talk about it, but we've also done that with other shows, too. She'll nowhere near as obsessed with it as I am, but I remember once when we were talking about an X-Files episode where they were stuck in a time loop and her comment was, "I liked it better when 'Lois & Clark' did it." She's read some of my stories, and even gave me the title for one of them, but I know she's not really that interested, so I don't push it.

My husband's family...I'm not sure about. I know that they know I like Superman...and I think they know I write stories, but I'm not sure they know everything...or even want to know.

Most of my friends know that I write fanfic and for which show, mostly because I carry a notebook with my everywhere and will pull it out to write whenever I have five minutes to myself between other stuff. When someone asks what I'm writing, I usually say "just short stories for fun." Sometimes they'll press and ask if I've been published. Then I'll tell them the rest and either they drop it or want to know more. A few have even asked for the url. One friend, when I told her the stories were based on LnC, went on to tell me how she and her neighbor and all their kids used to go to one house or the other and they'd spread a blanket on the floor and make popcorn and watch the show every week. She said that her kids actually looked forward to their Superman night. She is steadily becoming one of my closest friends lately...and the best part is...her name is Lois! eek

Mostly, I guess I agree with what someone else already said...the older I get, the less I care what others think. I have a Superman air freshener hanging in my car (the scent's all gone, but I refuse to get rid of it), I have Superman pajamas, I read fanfic on my PDA and download LnC wallpaper at work, and I named my cat Colleen Calle Spear! Pretty much everyone I know knows my obsession (my boss' boss was even discussing my writing with people in California when he was visiting a client!) and they've all accepted it, and me, as is. smile

Anne >^,,^<

"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993