I voted early on but haven't posted yet. I am loving this thread ... I have laughed so hard at so many of the stories (especially the fact that Pam and I went to high school together! LOL, Annie!) and I don't think there has been a post by anyone who is "mostly in" that hasn't made me nod my head and think of a similar situation in my own FoLC life.

Short answer is the only people who know how involved I am with L&C are my husband (who is mostly supportive but does like to tease, which I call him on and why he's never been allowed to read anything I've written, though occasionally I will mention a plotline or something brief like that), my best friend (who read some of my early stories years ago and was supportive but has since slipped into the "why are you still doing this?" arena, much to my disappointment), and my mom (who knows that I'm active and has read and enjoyed my S5/6 eps, but when I gave her "The One That Got Away", she was more dismissive, "oh, well, that one was just a romance." Well, yeah, duh, and that's the last one I let you read. <g>)

Someone can make a comment that seems funny or smart to them, just to tease you, but because it touches something very deep and very personal, it can easily hurt.
I think you hit the nail right on the head, Kae. This is exactly why I don't discuss it with most people, or even at length with those people closest to me. They just don't get it, and because of that, I can't trust them not to say something -- intentionally or unintentionally -- that will be hurtful.

On the plus side, though, I've recently made a new friend who is also active in an online fandom, though for a different show. And it is *so* nice to know someone who *understands* what it's like, and who actually got excited when I admitted I write fanfic (she asked me right off) and even went to our Archive to read one of my stories. Oh yes, and we've been having "girls night" where we take turns each week showing each other episodes of our shows ... and she'd told me she is loving watching L&C! smile So at least I can be out with someone in real life. smile

Great thread,
