I'm in the closet. All the way. wink My parents know I write, but I write tons of original fic as well, so they just assume that's what I'm writing.

My brother knows I read fanfic, but that's because every time he comes into the room, I minimize it and he thought I was reading R rated material or something. So I told him it was fanfic, and then explained what fanfic was. He doesn't have a clue about LnC.

I have one friend who knows I write, but that's because I helped her with a paper she had to write on a "publication oriented website."

Whenever I mention a FolC, my parents assume it is someone I know through my speech and debate group. I travel all over the US and know people all over from that, so it's an effective cover. I'd never lie about it to my parents, it's just never come up.

Nqoire the closeted person.
