Sheila, you watch episodes on IRC?? How does that happen -- everyone watches at the same time while discussing it on IRC? I'd like to know more about this! smile

Nan Smith did an excellent job of showing what the doctors could have done to help Superman
Was this in a fanfic, and where can I find it?

I agree with you; purges wouldn't have helped much after so many hours, and I realise that the point was supposed to be that Lois was able to think of a way to help him when no one else could. Since it is a science fantasy show, I just have to accept that the science in the TV show universe is different from ours wink

It just bugs me sometimes, when things are blatantly wrong, and detracts from my enjoyment of the whole scene. I have a doctor friend who can't stand to watch medical dramas, cos she'll see a chest x-ray up on the light box the wrong way around (i.e. left and right inverted) or there'll be a CT scan of the head on the box while they're talking about an abdominal cancer or something, and she, like me, will get so completely distracted by that that she can't concentrate on the dialogue anymore.

Actually, this is probably why I get stuck when I'm trying to write fanfic. I'll come up with an idea, and then insist that it has to be realistic and feasible before implementing it -- hence, the story never gets written!

But yes, I am aware that it's a comic book show, and not a medical drama, and the whole point is the interaction between our beloved characters, and not the science behind the A-plots.

Waitaminute. A-plots? What're those?? wink

"Some prices are just too high, no matter how much you may want the prize. The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart."
--Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory", 1996