Well, you can interpret things differently I guess. wink


Before, when he still thought she was immortal and that he had plenty of time, he had tried to do it in the right order--tell her his secret first and start a relationship second. But now, he was reacting out of terror at nearly losing her, and the only thing that mattered to him was showing her how much she meant to him.
Which he could have shown by making his intent clear, then sharing his secret, then respecting her decision. Really how would you react too something like this?
A guy ask you to marry you, you say yes, and then he makes clear that he really is a someone completely different, proving that you lack any kind of judgement whatsoever. You are left in a position where you cannot look anything but shallow if you would want to backpedal.And shown that he doesn't trust you.

Sure Clark makes mistakes, but he is also thoroughly empathic putting other people’s feelings above his own. And considering Lois impressive number of near death experiences, it seems ridiculous to me that he not until now grasp that she isn’t immortal. The scene is just so ad hoc. In the previous episode we have Lois willing to die for him, Now we have petulant Clark with “Fine I asked, you answered”. Really nice.

That was totally in character for the Clark who used to vanish with stupid excuses and completely forget about them until he saw Lois after he returned
The difference is that in those cases he puts saving lives above his own and Lois happiness. His sorry excuses, I understand more as reluctance to put effort in it rather then lack of ability to spin a story. Considering that he can play baseball with himself he seem to have a considerable multitasking ability.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...