ladyluck, I completely agree with the Chen Chow thing. When Lois asks him how he knows Clark, the way he hesitates before he answers and the tone in which he responds that they go to the same optometrist had me shouting at the screen, "He knows!" I'm sure that Clark and Chen know each other from some other shared experience in the past, perhaps to do with Clark's travels in China? Sounds like an idea for fanfic...

Has anyone done this fic, by the way?

If we're ranting about discrepancies on the show, I always had a problem with TEHI and the whole ultraviolet light and infrared light thing. I mean, hello? Infrared light is heat, duh! It was just bad science all the way through.

And in Top Copy, when Superman is dying of Kryptonite poisoning and the doctor tries to explain that it's "spreading like a cancer," and Lois has the brilliant idea of sending him into a nuclear reactor to cure him. I wanted to cry with frustration -- if he was exposed to kryptonite, he'd no longer be invulnerable to the radiation, for one, and for another, the concept of curing poisoning with radiation is just so wrong! Chelate it... dialyse it... but for heaven's sake, don't nuke him while his powers are gone!

But, since we are, after all, watching a science fiction show in which a guy can fly and shoot laser beams out of his eyes, I guess I can suspend some disbelief and just enjoy the show wink


"Some prices are just too high, no matter how much you may want the prize. The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart."
--Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory", 1996