Fire hydrants

Mm it does seem irresponsible, but perhaps Clark wasn’t really familiar with conventional fire fighting yet. Or since he seem able to take out the local fires with his breath maybe he thought the water came too better use by the children under those extreme circumstances.

Pressure sensitive bombs

Some of those are activated when you take your foot away from it. But I didn’t even think about the charade thing, mostly because it’s no problem whatsoever to speak through a film of duct tape.

So no way did people not see Superman flying in and out of the brownstone at all hours of the day and night. [QUOTE]

On the other hand Clark’s super enhanced senses should make most stunts fairly safe, in fact it’s those the scenes where people sneak up on him that tends irritate me.

[QUOTE] So no way did people not see Superman flying in and out of the brownstone at all hours of the day and night.
Maybe that was more of an artistic license. Since he can take off faster then the eye can see it shouldn’t really matter, if he cared.

How in God's name does Lex come nack after taking a swan dive off the top of the Tower?
Well since Metropolis scientist can regenerate gangsters from the 1930- thies that should be a piece of cake.

Why does Clark make faces when Martha grabs his ear in Season's Greedings? We know it doesn't hurt...
I always assume that Clark reflexively play acts when someone bumps into him etc, it was more her follow up comment with “tanning his hide like cheap leather” that felt strange to me. Well they said he wasn’t born invulnerable so maybe Martha gave him beatings at a more tender age.

How does Clark have different currencies always available to buy Lois snacks from other countries?
Maybe he has a standing offer to help himself? Or he could zip by his apartment, or maybe he keeps foreign exchange in the same place as his ordinary clothes. Or maybe he carries travel checks.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...