When I examine the things done in the show that really drive me crazy I figured out 2 things.

1) When Debra Joy Levine was involved the show didn't aggravate me as much. I felt like most of the time she put thought into what happened on the show. I felt if she went with something questionable that if you looked at it she did it for a reason.

An example of this is Honeymoon. Having worked at a major hotel for 19 years I know that at an upper class property a maid would never, ever barge in as in the show, neither would maintenance. They would knock loudly and announce who there were and wait, then repeat. If no answer after knocking twice then they would enter. This was not done in the show simply for the reason the kissing scene on the bed would never have happened otherwise. There would be no need for it. But they wanted to ramp up the sexual tension in the relationship.

Yes despite her thought there were still things like the fire hydrant that were stupid or wrong. But not as many as in the later seasons.

After first season I feel they just wrote stories without really think of the characters at times or what would be believable.

Example: (Just went and watched the epiosde) The episode Sex...Videotapes. When Superman throws the mirror up to disarm the second bomb in Metropolis he shot his vision at the satelite dish on the roof of the building where the Peace Conference was to take place so the signal would not be received. Ok kind of dumb but I can live with it.

What I can't believe was the photographer falling backwards off the ledge without getting hurt. Yes there was snow but get real that would not have kept her from being hurt. But what really sends me over the top on THE GET REAL METER is when Superman goes to rescue Lois. There is a recording saying you have activated a pressure sensitive bomb. Okay so why doesn't he float and get her. He won't be standing on any pressure sensitive plate. But beyond that when they are playing charades she puts her right hand with her finger extended up to her mouth and nose (touching them in fact). So why not just pull the stupid tape off her mouth. No need to go through those stupid charades that make Superman look dumb. Some idiot probably thought it was a cute scene when it has to been one of the worse in the whole series. There is absolutely no reason for that entire scene of charades. No reason at all. Go in hear message, float to rescue Lois and stop other bomb from exploding - simple. NO NEED FOR CHARADES. confused huh