We've passed a milestone with our collection of older stories formatted in epub: more than 400, if you look at them in the "by author" list. Slightly fewer in the "by title" list. The Kindle-formatted side has a way to go to catch up with around 60 titles. (Though if you were lucky enough to get a Kindle Fire for the holidays, you can also take advantage of epub goodness.)

Many of those epub files can be attributed to Iolanthealias, who has done a marathon converting job. Thank you, Iolan.

Shelly, I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulties with the epub files. An epub actually is a form of zip file -- you can even unzip one with any unzip program to see all the separate files that form it. It's my understanding that the zip container is part of the spec.

Is anyone else with a Nook having trouble reading any of our epubs?

