I'm curious about the compatibility issues you mentioned, especially involving problems with story files in different flavors of Word. Is that a problem? Files saved in Word 2010 vs. Word 2003 vs. Word 97, etc.?
I've some experience with Word compatibilities. Those of us with System 7 Word 2007 (.docx) must save to Word 2003 (a compatibility feature available easily). Unless you have Word 2007, you cannot read .docx. My recommendation would be using Word 2003 as a standard (Windows XP).
When I submitted to the Archive in txt, my GE and I communicated changes in Word 2003. txt is just too hard to read and correct. Then she converted the changes back to txt for the Archive. Eliminating all that would be easier for Word users.
Keep up the good dialog.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis