Attention, fans of e-books and Lois & Clark fanfic -- 80+ stories are now available to read in epub format. Get them at the archive on our new epub wiki page .

The whole archive isn't represented there yet, but there's enough to keep you busy for a while. Doranwen has been working on an alphabetical approach by author, and Bob Bartholomew has contributed epubs as well. I'm going to post some stories I've been meaning to re-read. And you can become an epub editor too by converting and submitting some epubs!

The idea is that epub editors -- i.e., you -- can upload epubs and create the links readers will use to download and read them. That'll be the plan once the uploader tool is tweaked. For now, if you've got epubs you'd like to submit, please send them to me as an attachment at this address: LCFanfic [at]

I'm not finished working on my part of the "intro to epubs" wiki page, but you know what? Wikis are works in progress. They're ever-changing. And they're all about collaboration -- so if you spot something wrong or that needs elaboration, you can log in and fix it.

And if you're wondering why the wiki pages don't look like the rest of the archive, it's because I haven't figured out the skinning yet. Works in progress, right?

Please give a hand to Doranwen and Bob Bartholomew!
Happy reading,
