As of a moment ago we have 96 stories converted and available on the epub site. thumbsup I'm sure we'll pass 100 before tomorrow morning.

I have noticed one minor but irritating issue with these conversions when I'm using Stanza on my iPhone. When I load a story, everything seems to be correct except that Stanza is not picking up the title properly. Every story that I've tried comes across with the title shown as 's' in the ebook directory. Once you open the document, the title is correct, but I've had to fix the outside title by manually changing it after loading. Strangely enough the author comes through correctly.

I would ask that others try to download some of these and let us know if you see this or any other problems with these conversions. If we need to fix anything, it will be much easier now than when there are 500, 1000 or more that have been converted.
