Artemis wrote:

Granted there are old stories with the authors no longer active, but two or three people don't need to do all the work. Shouldn't the word be spread wider?
It will be, Artemis. I think Doranwen and Bob are doing a great job at the starting line, but the race will be a long one. Should be fun too. Hopefully more people in running shoes will show up.

Since Doranwen and Bob both said they had been creating and stockpiling epubs, it seemed logical to ask if they'd be willing to test out the cobbled-together uploader/wiki system and hopefully target trouble spots before we opened it up. For anyone who's been eager to get at those epubs to read, or who's interested in submitting some, I'm sorry for holding out on you. I wanted to make sure the system was workable first.

I've been cheering on Doranwen and Bob -- and it's amazing how quickly the story count is climbing. Artemis has a good point, though, you guys. Please don't burn out. You've got us off to a great start. There's enough there now to keep people happily buried in their ebooks for weeks!

Also you talk of "uploading" it now. ... Where and what is the link?
There's an uploader tool that can be used to send stories up to the folder where the epubs are stored. Bob pointed out a flaw, and I'm unsure of its security and need to find an alternative. I'll publicize the link once a safer tool is in place. Shouldn't take long.

How about this: Anyone else who wants to create and submit epubs in the meantime, just e-mail them to me as an attachment at LCFanfic [at]

My understanding was there was a filter between author and Archive.
Yes -- an editor-in-chief and her team of general editors, who do a great job!

The situation with submitting an epub is a little different from that of sending in a new story. The epub has already been through the editing process. It's the same words, just different packaging. So I thought I'd expedite things a bit with a direct upload tool, and now I'll be tweaking that part. And by using a wiki page to hold the links, we can collaborate, and I won't be the bottleneck. Needed to do a bit of testing first.

Doranwen wrote:

I'm gathering she'll have that released within the next day, so all you FoLCs can go grab epubs to read. Ultimately she'll merge it with the Archive, I think, like the Filename Z page is.
Exactly! Merging it with the rest of the archive will take a while. I hope people like the wiki approach for now.

Best wishes,
