On the side, I want acknowledge my terminology error. Sorry about that *hand to forehead*. What a dumb mistake! [Smile] I did take "canon" as the general "what I see in LnC," where characterization was really what I meant (aka interpretable stuff). I think I lost the difference between the two when the 'soul mate' thing came up. Lameness on my part. The sad thing is it probably won't be my last trip up thanks to the ever-increasing cobwebs in my head. [Embarrassed] Thanks, Labrat, for pointing it out.
It's not hard to get sidetracked and turned around on a thread where complex issues are being debated, Alcyone, and when you're trying to organise your thoughts. I've been there myself more than a few times. It's just one of those things.

As Labrat said above, she knows what an L & C fic is and she knows what a Smallville fic is but she's not going public with the latter perception - I suspect, because, "there be dragons"
You seem to have misunderstood my point, Carol.

For clarification: I know in my own mind what the difference is and I'm comfortable with my own opinion on it. But sitting down and explaining it...well, to be brutally honest, I just don't have the curiosity in the question or the interest in any discussion of it to sit down and work it out in my head in a logical enough manner to post on it so that it would make sense to anyone else.

I understand that for you it's a burning question right now. But for me, it's just something I'm not terribly interested in. So it's not worth spending time working out a detailed response on the subject when I have so many other things taking up my time.

Frankly, I'd never have mentioned the subject at all, except that your misunderstanding of my other post forced me to at least allude to it, since it focused your attention towards looking to me for an answer. laugh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers