
<DJ peeks in>

Just here to put my meager 2 cents worth in. *ahem*

There are a lot of interesting and valid points being made here. But here are 3 important things to remember:

1. The writers on this fandom are not paid or compensated in any way shape or form (except perhaps by the gracious and wonderful fdk they receive) for their stories. And while I personally enjoy 'constructive' fdk - perhaps not as much as the "wow, I really liked that chapter" fdk <g> - not all 'negative' fdk is 'constructive'. So let's keep that in mind. I would hate to feel that I personally had ever posted something that would discourage someone from writing.

2. Opinions are like noses - everyone has one and some are bigger and more pronounced than others - LOL - but we all have them and are entitled to them. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that we always need to poke that nose out and show it to everyone. <g> And it certainly doesn't mean that we should expect everyone else to have the exact same nose - LOL.

3. These are some of the most friendly and encouraging message boards that I've ever been involved with. Let's make sure we all do our part to keep them that way. I've been on the receiving end of unpleasant fdk in the past and it's not an enducement to continue writing, believe me.

When it comes right down to it - we all love LnC: TNAOS - in our own ways - otherwise we wouldn't be here... would we?

So to paraphrase 2 of my favorite things in this thread so far:

We all have different tastes and some of us are going to prefer some stories more than others. So if you don't like a story - then don't read it. Move on to something you do like.

And yes, let's all get along - because this is such a wonderful community to be a part of.

Anyway, I'm done now. <g>

-- DJ, signing off.


I realized I had one more point to make. <bg> From an author's point of view... if you want to make a point that you don't enjoy a particular kind of story, then don't offer fdk on that story. Since fdk is the lifeblood that keeps an author writing - at least for me it is - the absence of fdk on a particular story is going to speak volumes... without saying a word. Only my opinion, of course <pokes her own big nose out of the thread>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.