But as for challenges for Lois-moves-on fics, unless Carol was provoked into posting such a challenge after Ray had written It Might Have Been - did you do that, Carol? - I don't think that anyone has ever posted a challenge for a story where Lois finds happiness with another man.
No, I've never posted such a challenge, Ann. I did once start a thread asking why there was a dearth of Lois-moves-on fics, however.

To me, the stories posted reflect the ideas about Lois and Clark that circulate in this community, and the kind of stories that never get posted represent ideas that aren't popular here.
I agree with that - my old argument about how our values and attitudes, our culture, the times we live in are subconsciously reflected in what we write no matter how much we may try to avoid that. These things also act as filters for how we perceived the characters. Like Luthor's complaint to Superman about Lois - "She's just a little too independent." Yet we never got the sense that Superman perceived Lois in that way.

Anyway, part of me would like to issue a challenge like that, but then I wouldn't read the story that resulted so it would be hugely hypocritical to issue such a challenge. laugh

I'm also curious why Lois's previous relationships are never portrayed as "love" and as satisfying, and that she's never portrayed as a widow whose had a happy marriage prior to her meeting Clark or as happily married to a good guy when she meets Clark. But I'm not familiar with all the stories here or on the archive, so this type of premise may be out there, and just as often as it is for Clark.
