The problem, Carol, is that you insist that because this is a Lois and Clark forum, Lois can end up only with Clark and Clark can end up only with Lois - unless, of course, those other relationships really didn't mean anything. You see a story where an author decides to explore something really juicy, something really different, something with some angst and a few WHAMs and an "edge" to it, and because Clark and Lois don't get together right away, you think it's not L&C fanfic.
Terry, I don't think you've really read any of my posts completely. All along, both in this thread and elsewhere, I've said I can see both Lois and Clark in relationships with others before they meet or even after one of them dies that each believed and labelled as "love". Mind you, I don't want to read the latter because they usually are dead-Lois fics and I (although I do understand that this doesn't mean everyone) want to read about Lois Lane as much as I want to read about Clark Kent. (what Ann says about Lois Lane - me too.)
What I've been trying to do, is to distinguish between the different types of love.

OT ramble: (I will add, though, that I'm not so sure that everyone must remarry or hook up or whatever after the loss of a spouse - or even that everyone must be in a relationship at any point. People are different, and remaining alone after the loss of a spouse is just as valid/healthy as moving on. After all, there's a difference between living alone and being lonely. smile We are, I often think too much a "couples" oriented society when, in fact, coupledom (and 'happy' coupledom) is far from universal. )

This sounds like Clark's reaction to his wife's sudden and violent death at the end of "The Road Taken" should have been to sweep Lois into his arms, kiss her senseless, proclaim his eternal love for her, and remark that his love for Lana pales in comparison to his love for Lois. Then she says "Okay, when's the wedding?"
With respect, no I don't think it does, at all. In fact, as you imply, that would be "distasteful'. But, and now I'm going to comment on the story, and so I'll add, a disclaimer - this is my opinion, not to be taken as what the whole world should think. In the body of the story itself, were I (and only me, no one else of course) to believe that Lois would one day become the "love of Clark's life", I (and I stress that "I" means one person only and not absolutely everyone else in the universe or even the guy next door) would have to see some indication that the marriage to Lana was not perfect - not that he didn't love her, but there were things that were not quite right for him. As well, it would have been not unsurprising for Clark to have been at least aware of Lois as a woman. Laying the groundwork for what is to come, so to speak. In fact, you did do that for Lois - we saw those few subtle. indicators in Lois that suggests she regards Clark as more than her colleague. Nothing more, just enough to suggest. That those elements were not there for Clark I saw as significant, especially since you, as the writer, had taken the care to include them for Lois.

You see a story where an author decides to explore something really juicy, something really different, something with some angst and a few WHAMs and an "edge" to it, and because Clark and Lois don't get together right away, you think it's not L&C fanfic.
Where on earth have you got the idea that I believe that?? I do admit to having difficulty with prolonged angst that isn't justified by anything in the story - angst for angst's sake, but that's it.

Also define "something really different" and "edge". smile Oh, and "juicy" (which I always take to mean a bit of nfic, which can be, uh, interesting smile But, of course, "juicy" could be Clark's life running an orange grove in Florida or his life as a tabloid reporter/papparazzi or... ).

[QUOTE] You're trying to force us into your preferences, [QUOTE]
No, I'm not - have never indicated that what "I" think should be
what everyone thinks. In fact, throughout this thread I've tried to make it clear that this is my opinion only. I do try to explain why I hold an opinion because I think that should be done, otherwise a reader is left wondering why someone has come to that opinion.

Terry, I do feel with the exaggerations in your last post, you've flamed me. Never thought I'd say that. frown

Alycone, I'm concerned about your use of the word "police" because I sense you've used it as a pejorative which implies that I have no right to state my opinion. But given what you've written elsewhere, I can't believe that you think that. Nevertheless, I agree with most of what you've said, in fact I think we've both been saying much the same thing, some degrees of difference, but only degrees. And, as you said, we've both been very repetitive. smile
