I can't stay away either... blush

Ann, I understand the point you're making about demand for Lois-moving-on stories, but I'm afraid I don't look at it quite the way you do (which comes as no surprise). I'm not saying that people are clamoring for such stories, any more than they're clamoring for Clark-moving-on stories. Since I think we're all agreed that the majority of us want L&C together - always - then usually no one would clamor for anything else but that.

However, just because you don't ask for it, doesn't mean that you're not open-minded enough to read it if it's offered to you. I've even read a couple of slash fics set in the L&C universe. They weren't to my tastes, and I would never have put out a challenge, for example, asking someone to write slash, but I was willing enough to read the stories when I found them.

And with the muses...well, I disagree that just because no one has written it yet doesn't mean that no one ever will. Yes, it would not be a popular idea here - but quite frankly, Clark moving on is not popular here either, even though it does exist. And in at least some of those stories, it exists due to tweaks of canon that were introduced in the show: Clark mistakenly believing that Lois has in fact married Lex, Clark's molecular structure leading him to live far beyond when Lois has already lived a long and very fulfilling life with him. Not every Clark-moving-on story falls within those parameters, but one can see where at least some of the ideas came from.

If I understood the process as to how writers come up with some of their premises for stories and then successfully execute them, believe me, you would have seen lots of stories from me over the past six years. Yet there hasn't been one.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5