So if Nan had not used Lori but Sharon or Teri or Lisa or Helen you could read and enjoy the series?
I would not have shied away from the story right away if Lori had had another name. But as soon as I found out that Lois was dead and Clark was involved with another woman, albeit one who was said to be an incarnation of Lois, I would have lost interest in the story. Sorry.

And Kathy, I know I should have shut up by now, but...

But you can't read stories if they aren't there. And you can't simply say that the stories aren't there because no one will read them. If a writer's muse is not inspired (for lack of a better word) to write a Lois-happily-moving-on story, how can we read it?
Well, as far as the demand for Lois-moves-on fics is concerned, there is a folder here where members can post their demands and preferences for new stories, namely the Fanfic Challenge folder. I distinctly remember that someone posted a challenge for a Clark-moves-on fic some time ago. I also remember that Carol replied that such stories already exist on these boards. But as for challenges for Lois-moves-on fics, unless Carol was provoked into posting such a challenge after Ray had written It Might Have Been - did you do that, Carol? wink - I don't think that anyone has ever posted a challenge for a story where Lois finds happiness with another man. (Just a few days ago Patrick posted a Lois Luthor challenge, but I don't think you were asking for a story where Lois finds wedded bliss with Luthor, were you, Patrick?)

Well, so much for the demand for Lois-moves-on fics. As for the supply side, if not a single writer of LnC fanfic has ever found that his or her muse has been inspired to write a Lois-happily-moving-on story, then that fact means something to me. And if, at the same time, a very small but not non-existent number of writers of LnC fanfic have indeed found that their muses have been inspired to write Clark-happily-moving-on stories, then that fact, too, means something to me. To me, the stories posted reflect the ideas about Lois and Clark that circulate in this community, and the kind of stories that never get posted represent ideas that aren't popular here. And that is pretty much my point. But I can't prove that I'm right about what I take to be the reason for the absence of Lois-happily-moving-on fics, so yes, let's agree to disagree.
