I've gotten more settled in and my muse is going into overdrive, so I'd like to request a Beta Reader to help me out with any grammar mistakes I haven't caught, feedback on story content and any other issues I'd like to bounce off.

Recently, I just completed posting Part 1 of my ADITLOM writer's group story. It's NC-17, but I'm also thinking about toning it down to PG-13 for LnC fanfic archive upload.

This is where I need help! It's fairly lenghty, so I'll be sending it in probably 20 page sections at a time so the BR won't be overwhelmed.

Please email me at LoisLane9397@aol.com if interested!

Also if you live in the Washington state area and you're interested in being BR, I'd be more than happy to meet in person to discuss my story as you read through it.

Thanks! smile