Hi. I'm looking for a female Beta reader willing to work at a fairly rapid pace. I've already hooked up with a pretty strong male Beta who's great with continuity and plot points and pointing out stuff that's in my head but not in my story yet, but neither he nor I are all that good with the touchy-feely stuff that belongs in this kind of fanfic writing.

I usually do longer pieces, usually close to novel-length (60,000 words and longer), and they're almost always alt-world stuff. I also don't mind characters dying within the story, as long as it moves the narrative along. I don't kill characters just to kill characters. I must also warn you that the specific piece I'm working on now has Clark getting together with someone other than Lois. (But it may not be a permanent thing. Not sure about that yet.)

Please let me know if you're interested. I'd like some assistance with plot continuity and general feel, as well as improving my WAFFy quotient. I'm pretty good with grammar and sentence structure, but everybody makes tiepoes - er, typos.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing