Well, I don't know that I'd compare superfluous spaces to a convenience store robbery or bleeding a patient with leeches, but I do understand that you are only trying to do a good job, Lynn, and we all appreciate that. I'm sorry if you feel like you are being attacked, I assure you that is not my intention, nor anyone else's.

I happen to think that you're right - that there really is no need for a second space after a period. But I also think that second space is not the end of the world, and those who want to use it - either out of force of habit or because they think it makes their stories more readable - should be allowed to have it.

And going forward as a GE, I will consider this whole situation as a lesson learned. I will no longer take it upon myself to correct things that I feel make the story visually more appealing, instead focusing strictly on grammar and spelling. I will put aside my professional experience which in the past I had viewed as an asset and try hard to remember that, in the end, it really doesn't matter in this particular arena where stories are generally viewed on screen and not on paper.
No one is asking you to forsake all editing of formatting issues. We all want our stories to be as visually appealling as possible. We're simply asking to be consulted. As I said earlier, my main reason for wanting to be notified of these changes is so that I'm aware of them. That way I can be alert for them in the future, making my future GEs' jobs that much easier. If you sent me an email with a note that said, "And I went ahead and fixed your spacing - sometimes you had one period after a period, sometimes two." most likely I would respond with something like, "Thanks! Sorry about that. I'll be on the lookout for that in the future."

I'm sorry this is so frustrating for you, though I'm not sure I understand why. But perhaps in the quest for fandom harmony we can all try to refrain from sarcasm and melodrama, especially when - in the grand scheme of things - the issue is so insignificant.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen