Maybe I'm just an insane control freak, but I'd really rather my GEs point out every change they make to my stories, even something as simple as a formatting change. (And for the record, that doesn't mean that I want them to write <extra space between words right here. Delete.> every single time it happens. I'd just appreciate a quick note at the end that says something like, "Oh, and you had a couple of extra spaces between words throughout the story, so I fixed them.") For one thing, that lets me know if I have an ongoing problem that I can change for the future - for example, remembering to put a space after an elipsis. But secondly, I just like to know what's been done to my story.

As for it being the author's responsibility to look at the story carefully and ascertain if there have been any changes made other than those highlighted...well, I just don't think that's fair. My stories are often very long, and I edit them over and over again before sending them to the archive to make them as clean as possible for my GE. The last thing I want to when I get it back is go over it with a fine-toothed comb comparing it to an older version to see if there are any changes that haven't been pointed out to me. I spend enough time going over the highlighted changes.

For the record, I think GEs are absolutely wonderful and I've never had a GE that I think did anything less than a wonderful job. This isn't a question of not trusting them or anything like that. I simply like to know what is happening with my stories.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen