That page was a pleasure to read. I have been an obsessive compulsive grammar freak since before I can remember. Of course, I still make careless mistakes sometimes or spell certain words incorrectly, but I can honestly say that I never, ever turn in a paper with poor grammar. The last time I spelled something incorrectly on a formal assignment was probably back in about fourth grade. Also, I refuse to use the internet lingo that some extremely lazy person with way too much spare time invented. It takes all of two seconds to type out "are" instead of "r."

Some of my worst experiences with grammar have come when I am forced to participate in peer editing. I have always found this type of activity to be a complete waste of my time because most of my peers have no idea how to edit my papers. Besides that, I never can actually edit a paper for content when I cannot seem to get beyond grammar mistakes.

I apologize for my little mini-rant, especially because I am so new and I am sure most of you will think I am completely insane, which I can assure you that I am not. wink

Clark: Lois, you're kinda babbling.
Lois: I know. See, I never babble.
Clark: Are you kidding? You're a brook.