This is slightly off topic but Lab's comment and my long-held desire to say something has prompted me to speak up:

The idea then was that in ten years we would no longer be writing, we would all be typing. (Yeah, I can't believe that one flew either) Writing would be obsolete. So what was needed was a form of punctuation and grammar which would save typing time.
Speaking of typing...

I learned to type on an old-fashioned carriage typewriter, the kind you had to put two sheets of paper in to protect the roller and the key heads. And I was taught to always put two spaces after a period.

Once I started working in graphic design, it took my Creative Director about two weeks to break me of that habit, and now it is one of my biggest bug-a-boos. Word processors recognize periods and compensate by putting enough space after them that the two spaces are not necessary.

The first thing I do when I GE a story is find and replace all double spacings after periods with one space.

I know it is a really hard habit to break, but if you are a perpetrator of this antiquated habit, I beg you, please, try to stop. If I can convert just one person to see the light, I will have accomplished my mission here on Earth. I thank you from the bottom of my heart <G>.

Whew. I feel so much better. I've been dying to get that off my chest for about four months now. I think I need a shoulder rub. From Clark.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah