I would have said something, too, Yvonne, but I'm not sure how "nicely" my feelings would have been conveyed. wink Well, that's not totally true ... I wouldn't have yelled. But I would have made it very clear exactly what I was upset about!

But then again, I once returned a document back to one of my employees (a recent top-tier university graduate) with the information that, "My time is more valuable than this. There is absolutely no reason for me to look at *anything* you have produced until you have gone over several times yourself and have had it spell-checked. When there are spelling mistakes in a document that I have already pointed out to you in a previous draft, you are simply wasting my time and I don't appreciate it."

Poor guy looked like a cowed puppy dog <g> but he fell over himself apologizing (it turned out that he had somehow hit "add" instead of "correct" in his spellchecker and all the previously noted misspellings were now being recorded as correct wink ) and he never did it again. (And yes, I made sure to compliment him as he began paying careful attention to his writing skills; being a manager is a lot like being a parent. <g>)
