and get your minds out of the gutter! <g> You don't need to understand transitive/intransitive to remember that.
Aw, come on, I like it in the gutter sometimes.<g>

My sense of humor helps get me through the rough spots.

Thanks for the encouragement Wendy. Before I went to college, I spelled college like knowledge, sure, shure and to too and two were easily overlooked. I learned so much by having to write all those years of papers! Yet when I started to dabble in fanfiction, I made many common errors. There and their is a big one for me. Having beta readers correct my work, really helps me to learn. I still screw up from time to time, as any beta I've had will tell you<g>, however, I do notice an improvement. I try, but some old habits die hard.

Anne, it sound like you know how to deal with people. Compassion is important but you don't need to accept work from someone who doesn't even bother with spell check.

I do remember diagramming sentences in grade school. I had a very mean nun who scared the living crap out of me trying to teach diagramming.
I think I have a mental block because of her. I remember Nomulative and Objective clauses, I think. I didn't understand it all then and I certainly don't understand it now. The one thing I know for sure is that I will never send any writing or document of any importance out without having a few people check it for me first.


Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"