Ohhhhhhh. Watch LabRat's bottom lip wobble dangerously.

Lois running out on him at the start, overwhelmed by it all...that was just so perfect. Just exactly what she'd do. But, oh, it tugs at the heart. whinging

And then this

Lois Lane wasn’t his wife.

Wasn’t his lover.

Wasn’t his.
was the point when I realised I probably don't have enough tissues to deal with this story. The separate lines for this are just so exquisitely effective.

The nagging feeling was back, pulsing through his veins, overwhelming, like the roar of a jet over an uncharted valley.
Here...you know, I could hate you quite easily, Dave. laugh Wonderful, wonderful description.

Poor, poor Clark. He needs a hug.

And then, like all the best authors, you turn the mood around just for a moment and give us a little bit of poignant comedy:

“Lois... why don’t you come back inside?” he asked, reaching for her hand. “Before the sky starts to fall.”

Her eyes darted back to his, and he grinned.

“That’s not funny, Clark.” Her voice held a warning note but he could see the smile creeping into her eyes. The... relief?
Which, as well as making us smile, serves to further heighten the emotional heart of the segment by contrast. Beautifully done.

Huge lump in my throat reading the ensuing conversation. Again, you paint such wonderfully deep emotion with such economy, Dave.

And that final line... whinging

Okay...I'm sure that was more than ten minutes I gave you on irc. So where's part four?

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers