Originally posted by Kaethel:
Stepping in to clarify something.

"Plagiarism" is a very serious accusation and can't be thrown around like just another word. We've had a couple of cases in the fandom and so we're rather sensitive to the word.

Digitalsky, I suggest you re-read David's first part. While he used lines from the show (and don't we all?), he wrapped those with his own take on events. If using lines from Lois and Clark was plagiarism, we'd all be plagiarists. laugh

So while you're entitled to your opinion, I'm going to request you do it politely and with regards to the author's feelings, whether it's about ellipses or much more serious things such as plagiarism.

The site's FAQ says:

always be polite in your comments, and always be constructive with any criticism.
That's not the case with what you posted, and posting to the message boards implies that you accept and respect the site's rules.

I consider the subject closed and I hope we can now return to commenting on David's story.

Thank you.

Kaethel smile
Fanfic Forum Moderator
Wow. Okay. This has been blown out of proportion. lol

Let me step in to clarify.

I was not "accusing" anybody of anything. If you want to get technical, all fanfiction is plagiarism. Any person who has written fanfiction has plagiarized. I really do not care if that was done here. It was not said as an accusation.

I said that because the whole first part was basically that episode. That is why I was not really impressed with it. It was so much like the episode, it is why I referred to it as plagiarism. No one needs to get offended. It was not said maliciously.

May I ask where exactly I was being rude besides that misunderstanding? I was giving constructive criticism, just like you stated. I never said anything malicious or mean. I did not say the story was bad. I was just giving my honest opinion. I posted what I said as something that the author could use for consideration if they wished to do so when they wrote in the future. That is what reviews are. If they do not believe what I have to say, that is fine. It is their story. I am just stating something for them to think about.

I apologize for bringing this back up. I wanted to make myself clear. I think everybody owes the author an apology for taking their comment thread off track and turning it into a flame war. All I did was leave my comment and everybody dragged it off topic. Tsk tsk. How rude. :p

To the author- I am sorry for any misunderstandings. I will say it again, you are a good writer. This story is improving as the chapters progress and becoming interesting.

Anyway, I'll repeat what someone else said: If you don't care, why comment?
I did not care about what she had to say.