David, this story is just terrific. I've been enjoying it immensely, but haven't had the time to post comments on it - or any other story - for some time now. Ditto everyone's comments and favorite quotes. I'm really looking forward to the next part, which I hope you'll be able to finish soon. Otherwise the rabid fans here may send these guys out - wildguy wildguy - and you really don't want that...

And with apologies to you, David, for further hijacking this thread, I did have a question for Digitalsky. You've clarified that your "I don't care" comment referred to the fact that you didn't care about what Wendy had to say. Now, you felt free to criticize David's use of the ellipsis at the end of a sentence, but then when Wendy pointed out to you that this rule was not the same worldwide, suddenly you don't care? Does that mean you are happy to point out when you think others have made errors, but don't want to admit to your own? If you have indeed made a mistake, however unknowingly, you should be grown-up enough to apologize to David as well as thank Wendy for increasing your knowledge base.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5