Another explosive posting on an ingenuous premise!

He’d watched her leave in slow motion, a million thoughts running through his head.
Perfectly alludes to Clark's confusion, fear and frustration.

Like a rubber band that had stretched too far. It’d left his ears ringing.
The grain of the wood dissolved before his mind’s eye to reveal the street beyond and the image of a crying woman huddled on his doorstep.
Specifically adore the sneaky references to Clark's superpowers, intentional or not.

The images in his head... his memories... were fading into a blur of colour, sound and... emotion. Each time becoming a little rawer. A little more abstract. A little harder to hold onto.
Clark's images, his fantasies are morphing into abstractness with every passing second, yet his insistence to call them his memories... Superb!

She’d shattered everything with her shocked words, but he couldn’t believe she would have lied to him.
The guy's had his world crumble, yet, he seeks to trust the woman. Gotta admire him.

The wedding photo that wasn’t on his mantle. The longing that wasn’t in her eyes...
Whoopsies to things that are not there... yet.

The nagging feeling was back, pulsing through his veins, overwhelming, like the roar of a jet over an uncharted valley. He needed to be somewhere. Needed to do something.
Were it not for these pesky *naggings* of his, I could have conveniently forgotten he needs to do something else besides seeking Lois.

The sense of belonging that had calmed him, the warmth that infused him, had retreated with her, leaving him cold and empty. He’d felt bereft as the feeling of... rightness had shattered with the slamming door.
Linkage of physical events and emotional manifestations are simply fabulous.

But he didn’t. He couldn’t. He was too... scared...
And here's the crux of the matter succinctly put. Fear of the unknown.

And then she was. She was huddled on his stoop, just as he’d imagined her.
Clark, stop imagining and start embracing your... destiny.

She probably wouldn’t welcome his touch... she’d probably think...

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, turning away from him. “I’m sure... I know you’re... confused. You don’t need to be around someone who’s going to fly off the handle because you...when you... you don’t need that.”

Clark pushed his frustration aside.
Clark's thoughtful caring and Lois' frustration immediately followed by Lois' heartfelt empathy and Clark's helplessness... Wow!

“No,” she affirmed.
“Yeah.” Her face flushed.
Lois' one-worded answers display her state of mind precisely.

They were real. Some of them at least, the one with the blue silk... that was still negotiable.
LOL! thumbsup

Feeling her tears soak through his shirt was... heart breaking... it tore at him, but at the same time, it was... grounding.
Again, WOW!!!

“Come inside,”
You can't just end there, David. How can you just invite us in and then... end the part? wink

(imho) Overall, superbly done!


If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria