When I was at home, I ate pretty much whatever my parents put on the table, like beef, chicken, pork, fish, even offal. My doctor recommends pig's liver as a source of iron. smile

Since we don't have a religion, we don't avoid any particular meat, unless it's on economical grounds (game meat is expensive). In fact, my mother had a very effective way with picky eaters. Let's say I told her for instance, that I didn't like asparagus. I'd find asparagus served for dinner for the rest of the week. smile

I wouldn't mind going vegetarian one day (or two) a week, for the health benefits and maybe just for the heck of it. But I can't really fathom the idea of giving up meat entirely. I just can't. In particular, chicken and pork. smile

I am game to try any meat or offal that comes along my way. smile The only snag is really opportunity (or the lack of it). One thing I really want to try is pig's brain (cooked in soup) drool . My mother would never let me try it, because that particular organ is very high in cholesterol. However, the brain is really the only thing left in a pig that I haven't eaten before. I've tried everything else. Yes, even that (I know what you guys must be thinking wink ). I was tricked into that by my mother. For the record, it was pretty chewy. laugh

Now that I'm in Toronto, I've been hoping to come across pig's brain soup in Chinatown (and try it without letting my mom know). So far, no luck. frown
