Well, it won't let me vote because it says I've already voted (which is a lie <G>) but I'll respond anyway.

I grew up in a meat and potatoes kind of family, but everything changed when I went to college and had a huge dining room full of options to choose from at each meal. (Unlike most people who complain about college dining halls, I went to a school with award-winning food service. It was actually very good quality and there were TONS of options.) I probably didn't eat meat for the entire two years I lived on campus. (Of course, the fact that my boyfriend for roughly a year of that was a vegetarian probably played into that too.) After that I lived in an apartment and had to cook for myself. Meat was expensive, messy and took a lot longer to prepare than most non-meat dishes, so I just never bothered. I eat chicken or fish whenever I go out and basically eat vegetarian at home. Recently I have started preparing some fish at home. (I made really great swordfish steaks the other day smile )

Fish is my favorite meat, but chicken is an easy fallback since it's so common/cheap. I could probably give up meat altogether and never miss it, but I try to eat it occassionally because I like to have a somewhat balanced diet. I would NEVER prepare red meat for myself because I think it's disgusting, but I will eat it if I'm at someone's house and that is what is offered.

My favorite foods in the whole world are bread, cheese and fresh fruit. I could live on those three categories for the rest of my life and be entirely happy. (Also, unfortunaly 600 pounds, so this is not a viable option. <G> But, hey, I can dream)


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen