I am so picky when it comes to meat (as with everything else -- some people know I don't eat anything red (unless it is hidden by some other color), mushy, stringy, or really salty. I grew up in a house that didn't use salt, so I've just never gotten used to it.

Anyway the part related to meat is "stringy". I grew up in a meaty house, too, and I will eat certain kinds of meat if they are cooked into things (like bacon in a casserole or occasionally meatballs if in some sort of spaghetti). I never eat turkey or chicken or pork, never eat big pieces of beef like roast or steak -- because they are "stringy" and hurt my lips as I eat them.

In college, I became almost a vegitarian -- because my college (and current) roommate is a vegitarian who keeps kosher. Her boyfriend is pretty close to a vegan. So if we cook things toghether, it doesn't have meat in it by default -- and if we go to restaurants, we usually just end up getting one thing and sharing it, and it is always something vegitarian. My roommate does it fish, though, so I eat fish. Sadly, my favorite seafood is shrimp, and that is forbidden from my apartment because it isn't kosher.

When I go home, my dad is the only one who makes and eat his 4 course meal "like his mom made it" with soup (his infamous soup which has been mentioned several times on IRC), vegetable, potatoes (oh I hate potatoes!), and some kind of large piece of meat. My mom, sister and I usually eat one thing -- usually some new recipe my mom found either on PBS cooks or the Food Network -- never involving big, stringy, chunks of meat.

At Thanksgiving and Christmas and all other stupid holidays like that, I REFUSE to eat turkey and potatoes and cranberry sause and stuffing. Ever since I was a little kid, I've hated poultry with a passion and everything associated with it. From an early age, I made my parents make me pierogis or else I would sit at the table and eat nothing except bread. Now my dad makes ham with I can somethimes eat if it isn't too stringy.

So to summarize -- no red, no mushy, no stringy. Oh and the one rule with no exceptions is NO MAPLE SYRUP. I hate the smell, hate how it is so gross and mushy and sticky . . . I even hate it when I smell it ON someone who just ate it.

- Laura (now you all know what a freak I am wink )

PS, Y, I didn't even know what some of the choices you had were! And, W, KIDNEY AND LIVER?????? All I can think of is red blood flowing through them -- the liver filters toxins out of the blood, and the kidneys produce urine! And people actually EAT them?

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve