Interesting! Well, as Yvonne knows, I avoid most types of meat and fish. wink I'm not a vegetarian, but am married to one, and had been going off most types of meat even before I met my veggie, despite growing up in a very carniverous household, where a meal wasn't a meal unless there was meat somewhere in it. (I remember the first time I made my parents a broccoli and cheese bake; "Very nice," I was told. "But it would be better if you had some ham or bacon in it." YUCK!!! razz

These days, I eat chicken; I'll have turkey at Christmas, but that's the only other meat I eat. I enjoy tuna sanwiches, but never fresh tuna; I'll eat cod or plaice cooked in batter or breadcrumbs, but not otherwise, and no other fish. If I don't have meat at all in a week, I don't miss it.

It's true that I do quite like liver and kidney, but I can't remember having either of those even in the last year, so I couldn't pick them in the poll!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*