Hold on a minute! I'm the only veggi on the boards? That can't be right... I was going to vote but not post, but I should really make a case for all the veggis in the world.

It just dawned on me that I have been vegetarian longer for than I ate meat. I like that smile

Don't ask me why... my reasons fluctuate with my moods, though it is partly ethical. But also it's been so long now I don't miss it, when I cook I don't even think about it (that's something meat eaters just *don't* understand... No, I don't think it would be nicer with a bit of chicken in it, I have no idea what it *would* be like with a bit of chicken in it, and I'm not interested in finding out. I like it just as it is thank you very much.)

My most commonly given reason is that I don't have to eat animals so why should I?

My second most common reason is that I really, really, really *don't* like vegetables....

It's ok, I'll wait, it usually takes a while for people to get it. laugh

One thing I don't do is try to convert people. Yes, I belive the world would be a lot better place if we all stopped eating meat, but I'm not about to nag you all about it. You can go eat whatever you like... and please, stop trying to annoy me by making such a point of eating your burger, it really doesn't bother me that you're eating meat. I couldn't care less.

Second thing, top tip for meat eaters: Vegi Burgers by definition are *not* made from meat, so stop expecting them to *taste* like meat. smile


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.