I don't really want to ban all discussion on my opinions...

sorry, but I have had a lot of slack from colleagues, who wanted to teach my parents about contraception...
grumble grumble grumble

I just really wanted to avoid any really rude comments of the like...

Although, ffrom my experience here on te forums, I never really expected anything too rude, etc.

I only wanted to avoid any comments directed towards my parents' choices...

They were not my choices (not that I disagree with them or anything)

and it is not my place to disagree, or agree, with their decisions...

I know plenty of people with large families, I just wanted to avoid any discussions about mine, because I have been burned in the past when I mentioned the fat i am one of 9 kids...

I trust you
but anyone can be cautious

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

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