Well, at the South Pole Penguins, almost the same color (do the scientists down there get pregnant, are there even female scientists?).
There are female scientists in Antarctica. Several years ago, the physician there, diagnosed herself with breast cancer. If I remember correctly, she had to direct one of the other scientists in doing a biopsy. They partly had the means to treat cancer there, and chemotherapy was started, but they ended having to do a dramatic winter rescue to bring her back home (the States, I think.). Usually when they get down there, there is no coming back in the winter. Of course, it’s always cold and snowy, but the weather is much, much worse in the winter.

I believe I’ve heard that the scientists there are required to use birth control. I saw a documentary once that said there was a lot of hanky panky going on. You can imagine that must be so since they are usually cooped up down there for a year. And think what that must have been like in the days before they could use the internet and email?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~