Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone with my post huh
I didn't want to give the impression that I was offended. Sorry if I - once again - put my foot in my mouth. But, as my example comparing the experiences of my mother and classicalla shows, things weren't that different back then. But, obviously, we have developed differently. I mean, when I first heard about the American "NO NIPPLES, PLEASE" policy in comics - man, did I have a good laugh. It seemed so absurd at the time. By now I know that everything you do has to be fool- and lawproof in the states. I mean, if even those "intelligent designers" managed to force schools into teaching that stuff in biology - I mean, I would have understood that sort of thing in religious education, because that is where it belongs, but in biology? Honestly!

I cannot, for the life of me, imagine people and the media in, say, Germany or France reacting to something like Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction like much of the American public did.
You should have seen the headlines! As usual, BILD was right on top of it. And not only for one day, mind you. (And not only BILD, I suppose. The others just weren't sporting headlines equally big and screaming.)

So for a couple of years, I imagined that couples only had sex when they wanted to make a baby - say, once every two years or so.
Same here. But I found other sources to straighten me out.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)