German, here, too. (From the former eastern part to be accruate).
My mother read and shwoed me a book about where babies come from (hand-drawn), it was meant for children, I must have been about 5 or 6 when she showed it to me. It was nicely done and explained quite well with soem comparative example for the child mind. There where pictures of naked people in it. It just didn't explain about how the babies get into the mothers tummy, I somehow formed the opinion that the semen got into the egg via a syringe.
Later there was also a cartoon serie (French/German coproduction, I think, but primarily French). Their first episode was about the creation of a new life. They started out with two naked people kissing an embracing and then switch to the sperm racing to the egg. The series is quite well done.

Sex ed we had in class 5 or 6, I was about 11 years old and it came just in time to educate me before my first period. My parents had to sign that I now got taught about sex, in case of questions on my part.
By that time I had a vague understanding of what really went on (my libary had no idea what kind of books they had on their shelfs, scifi and fantasy isn't necessarily harmless).

How teacher was somewhat embarassed about the whole thing, so were we, much giggeling and stupid comments ensued.
I don't think they showed us a video of a birth,b ut the showed us a detailed video of the mechanics of sex and what goes where, etc.
Later we saw a cartoon film abotu sex and our right so say "no". The video had been done by pupils from Netherland, I think. It covered many thinks to, even giving yourself an orgasm. The animation was rather crud and highly repetitive, but otherwise the movie was done quite well. (We never told our other teachers that we had seen that movie already, so we got see two more times wink )

There were a few more movies we saw about sex and your first time and similar things, we had quite a few talks about it in different subjects, we even had a guy from an insurance over explaining the use of condoms to us, my fellow student was quite embarassed when she had to demonstrate the proper way to use a condom (on a wooden model aka something looking like the end of a broom stick).

I think we were quite well educated about sex and what to know about not getting pregnant and sexually transmitted diseases.

(As far as I remember, most of the outrage concerning Nipplegate was about the fact that the Americans where making such a huge affair about it. There was quite a bit of jesting about the whole thing.)