I wouldn't completely dismiss the idea. Coca Cola is acid and the sperm can't move when the surrounding is too acidic. That doesn't mean that I'd try that method, at least not if I was really serious with not wanting to get pregnant.
This is true, but there would still be plenty of those critters that had had time to reach their intended target before the use of the CocaCola.

Yes, it was in fourth grade,
Okay, how old were you in fourth grade especially since that was your last year of primary school. I wonder if that corresponds to 4th grade in the States (or elsewhere). In the States, that would mean a child of 9 or 10. The last year of primary school in the States is the 5th of 6th grade. Some consider 6th grade to be the first year of middle school - some consider it to be the last year of primary school.

Wow, things certainly have changed a lot. When I was in 5th grade, we had a class where they told us about periods. Period - that was it. The boys always got herded off and wondered what the hoopla was all about. I don’t think I saw films of babies being born until I was in college. In high school, we had ‘health’ classes that told us about sperm from the male meeting up with ova from the female, but for the life of me, I don’t think they told us much about how they got there… I was always very interested in things about the human body, and I understood how babies got out and I knew all about the male and female body, but I didn’t truly understand the way things *really* happened until I read a somewhat graphic book. (‘Jaws’ to be exact. Boy was that an eye-opener. And what a book to learn that in… Sharks on one page and sex on the next… Let’s just saw the movie is not as graphic.)

Oh, Anna, that site is great. If you guys want a good laugh take a look. Here’s one little tidbit from there that had me laughing out loud: When I was little, I misunderstood the word 'testicles' for 'tonsils'. So, ever since my sex ed class in grade four, I would stare in shock at anybody that claimed that they had their tonsils removed.

He looked at me for a few seconds in consideration and then asked for some clarification on just where things were supposed to go. "Part of the daddy goes inside the mommy?"
My poor mom was always very honest with me, but she just couldn’t bring herself to tell me how that happened.

There was only one way to answer that: "Ask me again when you're older."

He still hasn't asked - thank goodness.
Bet he’s already found out.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~