Oh gosh. Sex ed. that was a nightmare. I moved around in schools a lot as a kid myself, so I may have just gotten lucky, but I also wound up going to a more conservative christian highschool. I think the majority of our sex ed THERE involved flower biology. I don't recall any agonizingly painful moments in highschool.

College was something else. Mandatory health class. everyone had to take it. no exceptions. Everyone had to be present for the sex ed parts. They had different sessions for guys and girls. Supposedly to make it easier for the students... EXCEPT OUR TEACHER WAS A MAN.

My friends an I were of a rather unanimous opinion on the topic (we were all VERY late bloomers.):
We don't wanna know until we get married thankyewverymuch. the boys can keep their pants on and we'll keep ours on and they're not touching us anyway. we don't wanna know! frankly we all knew it anyway we just didn't want to endure the torture.

although the teacher was an utter riot to watch. beet red through the whole thing, flat monotone, never looked up from his notes.

I still question the sanity of the administrators who required it to be a part of the curriculum. I mean really? what's more traumatic for a kid being told the mysteries of life surrounded by snnickering peers or by your parents or heck by your doctor? please I'd vote doctor any day of the week for best choice.

although I do know of one girl, poor kid, she hadn't been told ANYTHING by her parents at ALL. then one day she just starts bleeding. she was in an utter panic and my cousin (who was like 15 at the time) had to explain the whole thing, birds bees, the works.