I wouldn't completely dismiss the idea. Coca Cola is acid and the sperm can't move when the surrounding is too acidic. That doesn't mean that I'd try that method, at least not if I was really serious with not wanting to get pregnant.
This is true, but there would still be plenty of those critters that had had time to reach their intended target before the use of the CocaCola.
Besides, those critters won't have to move that far any more - they're already boosted by Coca Cola...

Okay, how old were you in fourth grade especially since that was your last year of primary school.
In Germany, children usually start school at the age of six, so in fourth grade they're nine to ten years old.

In the States, that would mean a child of 9 or 10. The last year of primary school in the States is the 5th of 6th grade.
Well, it depends on the federal state whether primary school ends with the fourth or sixth grade. And the system of secondary schools - it's hopelessly complicated. Depending on the state, there are two to five different types to choose from.

When I was little, I misunderstood the word 'testicles' for 'tonsils'. So, ever since my sex ed class in grade four, I would stare in shock at anybody that claimed that they had their tonsils removed.
rotflol Good one!

From what I can gather from her profile, Olympe is from Germany. Europeans don't tend to be so uptight about sex, so I don't think it's that surprising, although I'm not sure how well nine or ten year olds would understand a movie like that.
Yes, I am from Germany. And the differences you mentioned are there. But my mom didn't get that sort of 'treatment'. And she really is as old as classicalla. And my grandmom (now 67) was already pregnant and still believed that children got out throught the navel... So, don't tell me about being or not being uptight.

I know for a fact that I'm old enough to be Olympe's mother.(She teases me about that fact.)
Poor baby! laugh

Think this had its origins in European folklore, but it could be universal.
I believe the belief is mostly Irish and/or Scottish, but I could be mistaken.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)