Is this place to mention virgin births? :Big Grin:
Why not?

Wonder how many kids were (or will be) told that babies come from eBay...
Good one! Should've though of it before I told my daughter about the real thing. She just happened to notice the 'exit' while bathing. As the curiousity of a three year old goes, she had to ask, "What's it good for?"

"It's where your babies will come out."

"My babies?" I nodded. "Now?"

Seeing that she was obviously shocked, I reassured her, "No, not now. When you're all grown up." Muttering under my breath, I added, "At least I hope so."

"Not now? Sure?"

"No, not now. Sure."

"Good!" she said and heaved a sigh of relief.

Who would have thought of having that sort of conversation that early?

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)