I’ve heard the bit about trolls stealing babies, but I thought they just kept them.

nd my grandmom (now 67) was already pregnant and still believed that children got out throught the navel...
I’ve worked in obstetrics a couple of different times. There have been two or three folks over the years that were totally shocked to find out how the baby came out, too… And that’s when they were in labor. I had one lady that came in and had never been to the doctor. She had never even had a vaginal exam done by a doctor, and the concept was totally foreign to her. You should have heard the conversation that ensued when I had to convince that I had to do that to see if she was dilated or not… She couldn’t even understand the concept of that being how the baby got out, let alone a nurse doing an exam on her.

In my experience most European societies just aren't as uptight about sex as much of American society is
You are probably right - at least in the aspect of showing pictures etc, about it. You still won’t find topless billboards or topless ads in the US. And boy, let me tell you how shocked I was when I visited Europe as a naïve 18 year old…

they didn't explain that people did it purely for pleasure. So for a couple of years, I imagined that couples only had sex when they wanted to make a baby - say, once every two years or so. How innocent was I?
Oh, my god! You mean people do that for pleasure????? rotflol I think this is still common thinking about young kids.

I mean, when I first heard about the American "NO NIPPLES, PLEASE" policy in comics
I’m not sure they still do this, but I might be wrong. They still airbrush them out on TV shows. I was raised with the idea that you covered those nipples at all cost - even if it meant using band-aids. (Of course, I never much listened to my mom in that regard. I think she still gets aggravated when I wear something low enough to show off my cleavage. (And as I’ve joked with Olympe, it doesn’t take anything extremely low for me to do that…)

I mean, if even those "intelligent designers" managed to force schools into teaching that stuff in biology - I mean, I would have understood that sort of thing in religious education, because that is where it belongs, but in biology? Honestly!
I think that most religious folks are using the idea that both ideas should be presented - not that evolution should be presented as a hard fact. (And I think it’s been more about evolution than biology.) I think that’s where the objection lies. And some teachers have been known to tell students that their religious ideas are stupid, and they present evolution as a fact instead of the theory that it is. I think it’s all a matter of the way something is presented. When I was growing up, I was taught evolution as a theory , not as the hard and fast truth. That’s not always true now.


I think people in the States got so upset over the Janet Jackson thing because she suggested that it was done on purpose. (Or maybe it was Justin Timberlake that suggested it, but I did hear him say later that it truly was an accident. But then who knows since one of his new songs uses outrageous language.) Of course, now the Superbowl half-time shows are on a few second delay now.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~