That's right, "Carbon Copy" by Wendy! I had not recognized a favourite of mine! blush
And now, another wonderful fic, "Poisoned legacy" by Jenni Debbage (I have just re-read few days ago!)

only few moments...

I have it! Onother all around favourite of mine:

The iridescent green glow of the rock in her hand was something she
knew she'd never forget. She'd only seen it once before, when
Arianna Carlin had molded a bullet out of it and shot it into
Superman's body. When she'd awoken from her drugged sleep, she'd
found Superman crumpled on the floor of Lex's penthouse, grabbing at
his shoulder and grimacing in pain. She'd never forget how she'd had
to fish that Kryptonite bullet out of his shoulder, with Superman
grabbing onto her hand for all he was worth as she worked it free
from his skin and pulled the glowing bullet from his body. Moments
after she'd removed it, he'd been able to scramble to his feet in his
weakened condition and hurry after Lex's evil ex-wife.

And even though it had been almost a year, she'd never forgotten the
shock of seeing Superman writhing on the floor, grimacing in
pain...much like Clark was now.

Something clicked in Lois' head, and her mouth opened in shocked
silence. It couldn't be! Kryptonite was supposed to be harmless to
humans. If this was the reason Clark was suddenly so sick, that
could only mean....

Her face went white. Turning to look once again at Clark's grimacing
form, it was like watching the events in Lex Luthor's penthouse all
over again. Except this time it was Clark writhing on the ground.

Her mind started to whirl frantically, searching for a solution to
the questions suddenly forming in her mind. Could it be? Clark?
And Superman? Were they...could they be...?

As her foggy, panicked mind struggled to reason, Clark lifted his
head off the floor just enough to see what she was doing. The
instant he saw the glowing, green rock in her hand, it all made
sense. No wonder he hadn't been getting any better! It had been in
his pocket the whole time, continuing to work its deadly powers. The
man they'd run into must've planted it on him during the confusion!

Not stopping to worry about the fact that some yet unknown enemy
must've made the connection that he was Superman, he clenched his
teeth as another searing pain tore through him. "Lois, you've got to
get that out of here!" he told her desperately, fearing that he
didn't have much time to act before it would be too late. "Take it
outside, get rid of it!"

Jumping to her feet, Lois clenched the rock in her hand, ran to the
door, yanked it open, then hurtled the Kryptonite chunk as far as she
could into the inky blackness of the woods. Then she turned back to
Clark, already noticing a change in his appearance. He was still
deathly pale and his face was dotted with perspiration, but he no
longer appeared to be in agonizing pain.

Hurrying over to him, Lois knelt down shakily next to him and
cautiously touched his shoulder. "Clark, are you okay?"

He swallowed noisily and shut his eyes for a long moment, trying to
stem the diminishing ache still numbing his body. "I...I don't
know," Clark answered weakly, lifting his hand with great effort to
press it over hers. "I think I will be. I just need some time...."

It was quiet for what seemed like an eternity as Lois sat motionless
at Clark's side, her mind still churning and searching for answers.
There was no denying what she'd just witnessed. Clark's agonizing
pain...the glowing rock she'd found in his pocket...his strangled
voice telling her to get rid of it...and when she had, his pain
slowly diminishing. All the signs were there. It didn't take a
genius to piece together the facts. Being a part of what had just
happened, Lois knew she couldn't reason this all away. The events
spoke for themselves.

Clark was Superman.
Simona smile