This is one of my all-time favourite revelations, Ankit - I recognised it immediately. drool It's from Chris Carr's wonderful Learning Curves

Okay, this one's a little bit different - but fun. wink

"Perry," Clark said, having made a decision. "I'm taking you to the hospital. There's something wrong, and I want to get you checked out."

"Good decision, Kent," James piped up supportively. "Should I call an ambulance?"

"No, I'll take him. It'll be faster."

"Now hold on here!" Perry exclaimed. "I'm not going to any hospital. I'm fine."

"Yes, you are, and no, you're not," James told him firmly as he crossed the office and opened his window.

"No way am I going! Who's going to make me?"

"He is," James said, pointing at Clark as he spun in place in a blur of colours.

Perry gaped at Superman, resplendent in red, blue and yellow. "Never mind. The hospital sounds like a fine idea," he muttered before his eyes rolled back into his head.
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*