Pam, you sneak. goofy This is your own In Any Universe ! Just for that, you're going to have to find and repost your little teasers for the entire S1 we wanted you to write in this delightful universe of yours! I especially liked the one when LnC deliberately fell out of Trask's plane together. smile

Here's an old favorite of mine:
"What kind of different are you?"

She saw him take a deep breath before opening his mouth to answer
her. Then he looked as if he heard something she couldn't hear.
And then he was *gone*! One second he was toying with her fingers
and then he just simply wasn't in the seat beside her. Seconds
later Lois heard and felt the compression of an explosion. And
then he was there in the seat beside her, readjusting his tie and
his glasses.

Lois blinked. What on earth! Had he really disappeared, or was
this a new side-effect from her head injury? Before she could ask
him, the captain's voice came over the public address system
asking everyone to remain calm. There had been a minor accident
with some oxygen tanks in the cargo hold which had been averted by
the quick intervention of Superman. There would be no need to
return to London after this mishap, they would continue on to
Metropolis because they were in Superman's capable hands.

Before Lois could even raise herself up to see where this
phenomenon was located, the people sitting across the aisle
reached over and shook Clark Kent's hand, thanking him profusely.
There was general applause around the plane.

Lois' brain clicked and whirred as she put the pieces
together--the awe of the people they had met, the *not* flying by
commercial airline, his sudden disappearing act. She finally

"Oh, *that* kind of different."

He looked at her, uneasily. "Does it bother you?"

Lois shook her head, "I guess I wasn't too bright. I should have
seen the resemblance. I just wasn't expecting a mild-mannered guy
like you, wearing glasses, to be *Superman*!"

"That's what the other Lois said."

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827