Oh, I know that one - it's Paul's Persephone's Return (is it eligible for the Best Supporting Cast category? laugh )

How about this...
"Clark, there's a cliff up ahead..." she exclaimed suddenly, alarm in her voice.

She was right; he'd brought her some way to the side of the road, and just up ahead, the mountain-side sheered off completely. There were signs that he could see of erosion, where the cliff-edge had given way on previous occasions. For all Lois knew, they were doomed; there was no way ahead, and behind them, gaining on them every second, was the gunman.

Clark didn't even stop to consider his options; there was no other option. He glanced quickly behind and then ahead, then hurriedly said, "Trust me, Lois."


As one more shot zinged its way past them, missing him by inches, he grabbed Lois around the waist and ran forward... straight off the edge of the cliff.


Lois screamed.

They were falling... tumbling through the black night down towards the rocks which she *knew* were at the bottom of this stretch of cliff. They were going to *die*!

What did Clark think he was doing, running over the edge like that? Who did he think he was? Superman?

His free arm came around her, pulling her against him and tucking her head into the hollow of his shoulder as they fell.

And then she realised that, contrary to what she'd thought, they weren't in free-fall. Their descent had slowed, and now they were gliding slowly along the edge of the cliff, beneath an overhang. And they were moving sideways, too... and then they were coming to rest on a ledge.

Safe. Unhurt. And definitely alive.

She stared at Clark in complete disbelief.
Mere smile

A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge